GALA - Sweet, one of the best eating apples. McINTOSH - Tart. HONEYCRISP - Its name says it all.
JONATHAN - Crisp and Tangy
SEPTEMBER 14, 2024
CORTLAND - (Ben Davis xMcIntosh) large apple, sweet/tart, juicy. Slow to oxidize.
SEPTEMBER 21, 2024
EMPIRE - (Red Delicious x McIntosh) Flavor similar to McIntosh but firmer. RED DELICIOUS - The standard by which all varieties are judged. GOLD DELICIOUS - Large, very sweet. SNOW SWEET – Sweet/tart buttery, white flesh. Slow to oxidize.
JONAGORED (Red Jonagold) - Large sweet desert apple.
SEPTEMBER 28, 2024
BRAEBURN - These are very good keepers for long term. Very crisp, very juicy. BLUSHING GOLD – A tarter Gold Delicious and long keeper. GRANNY SMITH – The tartest of all apples. Very firm.